Tuesday, October 30, 2012
8 months
Wyatt had his post op appointment on Saturday and he is doing great. So that means he can start eating oatmeal, we tried once over the weekend and he was not having a good time because he was so hungry.
Likes: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, playing peek a boo, sitting in the swing, being talked to, and looking at lights
Dislikes: Physical Therapy,
Likes: Baths, chewing on grandpa's finger, being left alone (but that is never going to happen) and likes Justin Bieber music (she stops what she is doing when he is on tv)
Dislikes: snuggling
Likes: Baths, jabbering, playing with rattles, smiling, eating, being talked to and bonfires (loves watching the fire)
Dislikes: his car seat,
Friday, October 26, 2012
Another grey hair
Friday, October 5, 2012
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
We have a date
Their halloween costumes are in, it is going to be so much fun dressing them up and taking them around. I'm super excited. I don't know if I've said this already in a previous post but Wyatt is going to be a cow, Haylee a pig and Layne a duck. Their aunt is making them trick or treat bags with their names on them.
Wyatt is 14lbs 11oz
Haylee Jo is 15lbs
Layne is 16lbs 15oz
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Wyatt, Haylee Jo & Layne 7 months old |
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Wyatt and Daddy playing |
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Haylee dressed up for a bridal shower |
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Layne having a good time swinging |
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
***I forgot to add that Haylee rolled over by herself yesterday but she can not figure out how to move her arm so she kinda just lays on her arm.
Monday, September 10, 2012
poor boy
Haylee is wanting to roll over so bad, she will get to her side but can not figure out how to move her arm out of the way. Layne is doing really well with eating baby food, he has lots of energy. I lay all 3 of them on the floor together and they will just stare at the other and sometimes jabber.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
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In the camper while raining. Me, Haylee Jo, Wyatt, Layne & sis |
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Wyatt & Daddy playing |
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Haylee Jo in the new hat that Daddy just bought her |
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Uncle Chris & Layne playing |
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Oh I only cried once on my first day back, speaking of I need to get back to work.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Raise your glass
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Layne, Haylee Jo, & Wyatt ~6 months old |
Monday, June 11, 2012
So Much
Layne was home for a week and we had to take him to the emergency room because he was retracting, nasal flaring and head bobbing. I felt sorry for the poor guy he was working so hard to breathe. We spent 7 hours in the ER, basically because there was a miscommunication between the lab and nurses. Layne was crying a majority of the time, he was tired (he went a good 10 hours not sleeping) and very hungry (when I finally got to feed him they came in made him so upset he threw up all over the place). He was re-admitted into the NICU for a week (he had fluid on his lungs). The day he was back in the NICU I spent the entire day there again, I cried most of it because I'm just really tired of that place (not that I won't miss the nurses and everyone there) I want my kids to be home with me so I can see them all the time.
They are so funny together, during the day I will lay them next to each other and they just stare at each other. Layne is my social one he makes noises at her all the time. He is also my smiley guy. They both have reflux and there is nothing that we can do except prop the head of their beds up so they do not lay flat on their backs. We have to clean lots of sheets and clothes up after projectile vomiting (DH hates when I call it that but that is what it is).
For the babies being so small their stuff sure is big. Our house is not very big and it is getting smaller and smaller. We had to move a dresser out of our room to make room for pack n plays (for them to sleep in until I'm comfortable with them being in their room), now I have no idea where to put my clothes (not that I really care because I do not even have the energy to do laundry, our family comes over to do it). We have had lots of help from our families (we are very thankful), I have found 15 minute naps are so refreshing (any sleep is great sleep).
Wyatt is 6lbs 6oz, Haylee is 7lbs 6oz and Layne is 8lbs. I can not believe they are so big.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Part time to full time
Over the weekend I went from a part time parent to a full time parent. Layne came home and things are going well. He is on oxygen still so that has become a challenge we usually just leave him in one room all day so we do not have to move the tank around (basically because I have to have DH do it).
Wyatt is on the lowest setting of oxygen thus far. I breast fed him for the first time yesterday and he did really well.
Haylee Jo had a lot of fluid on her lungs and they are giving her a daily dose of lasics. She looks and acts way better I didn't realize that she felt as bad as she did.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Birth Announcement
Last night I was thinking about my life while holding Wyatt. I believe God wanted to teach me a lesson on appreciating life and not to take things for granted.
I was infertile so that I would appreciate being pregnant.
The babies are in the Nicu so that I appreciate every second I have with them. The two things above made me appreciate my first mothers day that much more.
I have not posted anything in awhile so here is a quick run down.
Wyatt is back on the ventilator because he had surgery on his eyes last Wednesday. He has stage 3 retinopathy of prematurity with disease. If it would get to stage 4 he would be blind. Hopefully the surgery will help. He is still doing good with digesting milk.
Haylee is taking a bottle every other feed. She is doing pretty well with breathing. She only has heart rate and breathing drops every once in a while.
Layne is taking a bottle every feed now and they just turned his oxygen down today (hopefully he is going to be off oxygen with in a couple weeks but I'm not going to count on it). After I feed him his 9am bottle we talk and sing and he smiles so big (I think he is going to be a morning person).
Oh I should add that everyone is out of their incubators and in cribs. Pretty exciting huh.
Monday, April 23, 2012
got milk?
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Things I have learned
First and foremost, I am glad to know that my hubby is proud of me. We are not big into sentiments but on the way home (from the hospital) a couple days ago he said he was proud of me, I had a really bad day and he thought he needed to tell me. We are a team and I hope it stays this way for a long time/forever.
That I think I'm a good mom (not the best but good), the NICU is a dark place. My babies have been there for 7 weeks now and I have only seen some of the parents twice or not at all. One baby is addicted to drugs (it cries all the time) and another didn't have a name for a week then once it had a name the parents gave it up (social workers have to come in and approve anything that has to be done to the baby). It is a sad place but that is where I get to hold my babies so I am happy about that part of it.
I know who my real friends/family are. I can not believe some people are so low to talk bad about you behind your back especially when you are depressed about something or are having hard times.
When I watch The Little Couple I know almost everything Dr. Jen is talking about while she is at work.
People are so kind. Some people that I am acquaintances with are praying for my children and sending us cards. So wonderful.
The March of Dimes is a great charitable organization. One that I do not think gets enough publicity.
Health insurance (or any kind of insurance for that matter) is not there to help you, it is there to give you a headache when you need it the most.
A couple days or a couple ounces is a lot to a preemie. Things are completely different from week to week even hour to hour.
I'm sure there is more but I can not think of it right now but I can always add to this list later.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Easter babies
Wyatt 33 weeks gestation (6 weeks old) |
Haylee Jo |
Layne |
Our first family picture |
Wyatt, Layne & Haylee Jo |
Monday, April 2, 2012
Wyatt is doing so so much better. Mainly because they figured out what is wrong with him, his thyroid did not develop so he has to take meds for it for the rest of his life (that is fine with me, he is alive). He is going to be my big guy even though he weighs the same as Layne he just looks bigger.
Haylee, it really has been a roller coaster ride with her lately. I had to go thru my first resuscitation with Wyatt and it was horrible for me, so I had a little talk with the other two that mommy could not take that phone call anymore. Little miss is going to be my rebellious one because they have had to resuscitate her three times now. The second time was Saturday night and while bagging her, her lungs would not inflate with air like they wanted. Once they got her stable they took an xray, she had a small leak like Wyatt did. It will close with time. She did really well for the rest of the day. Well last night she decided to stop breathing again they bagged her and this time it took them along time to get her breathing. They are running all kinds of tests to figure out what is going on. She does have a murmur (PDA open) like the boys had but they say there would be other signs that they look for before they say that is the reason. So today they are going to do a head ultrasound to look at her brain. It is aggravating to me that all the tests they ran so far are coming out okay and they say the reason she is doing this is because she is premature. If it is in fact the only reason they can come up with it will just take her growing and getting older to fix the problem. What if she does it again? I am just sick to my stomach writing about it, the good thing is I have not been there when they have these little spells (it is usually in the middle of the night or right after I leave). I assume I would be a mess and would just be no help at all but I could be really calm until it was all over, who knows. I will try to update later with the results to the ultrasound.
Layne had surgery last week on his PDA. They told me this was a pretty simple and common surgery done in the NICU. It was still hard, surgery on the heart is not just an everyday thing that I have to go thru especially on a 4 week old (31 weeks gestation). It only took them 20 minutes to do it and he was off the ventilator within 24 hours and was breathing better than Wyatt and Haylee. The incision is sore but that is expected. He cried the entire time they were taking him to the OR, we assumed it was because he was being separated from his brother and sister (if that is the case it will make things challenging when they are growing up).
One of the doctors made the comment that they really want to see them as the grow up because we all believe they are telepathic. When one sets off their alarm the other two follow suit (they drive the nurses crazy). They are all on high humidity air and the boys weigh 2lbs 11oz and Haylee is 2lbs 9oz.
Wyatt with his little dog Doby 3-21-12 |
Haylee Jo with Huey the cat 3-21-12 |
Layne with his dog Spot 3-21-12 |
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Heart aches
The story on Wyatt. He has a small leak in one of his lungs and his right lung keeps collapsing. They are giving him steroids to help with inflammation (the ventilator causes inflammation but he needs it to breath) in turn the steroids are going to stop his growth (which they assure me they keeping a close eye on). He is so stressed that every time someone even lifts the blanket off his incubator to take a peak at him his stats go crazy. So in turn I can sit next to his incubator but I went 2 days without even seeing him. I finally saw him yesterday because the nurse had to get some blood from him and I asked if I could just look in on him when she was done.
Haylee Jo and Layne are doing so good, do not get me wrong I am so thankful they are doing so well. They have their days where they do not feel well but all in all things are going well. They are both on a high humidity breathing machine (this is the last step before they can breath on their own). By the end of today they will both be maxed out on how much breast milk they can have by their weight (they increase their milk every 6 hours and they are fed every 3 hours). I know it doesn't sound like a lot (which it isn't) but they are going to eat 20ml (which is 3/4 oz) every 3 hours.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Quick Update
Wyatt needed a blood transfusion today the only reason it was needed was because they are drawing so much blood from them for tests that their little bodies can not keep up. He weighs more than he did at birth he is not 2 lb 6 oz. I did skin to skin with him at the end of last week, it was pretty wonderful.
Haylee Jo is probably doing the best out of all of them but they said they may need to do a blood transfusion and she is the smallest. She now weighs 1 lb 10 oz. Since she is the one that is most stable I have got to do skin to skin with her 3 times now.
Layne just got off the ventilator this morning and had a really good day. He weighs 1 lb 14 oz. I have not held him yet but DH did today, he was really nervous but really liked it.
They all have a heart murmur (which is very common with how premature they are), Wyatt & Layne were given meds to fix it and they are watching Haylee but think it is going to fix itself.
Introducing Wyatt Michael (Baby A) |
This is Haylee Jo (Squirt aka Baby B) |
And finally Layne Joseph (Baby C) |
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
SURPRISE They are here
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
So much to write about
Saturday morning I got to take my hour and half drive back to St Louis to drop off my pee and I also had my glucose test done. I want to say that the stuff you drink is not bad at all, the only bad part is how fast you have to drink it. Wait an hour with the babies dancing around then have blood drawn.
I've decided that I'm going to make Baby Shower day a separate post.
This is one thing that I have not talked about on here much or at all. I agreed to be a part of a study when I started going to the RE at Wash U. Basically what they wanted was a swab and blood work here and there. Also after my fresh cycle of IVF they wanted the embryos that did not continue to grow and I've had to fill out several surveys. Anyway the main reason I agreed to do this was because if I have a daughter I do not want her to go through what I have trying to get pregnant, I hope we become more educated on infertility. So if it seems like I have a lot of blood work done that is the reason.
The doctor called and said that I passed my urine test and glucose test. I am soooo happy, I really was not ready to go on bed rest yet (if at all).
**UPDATE** I forgot to note that at my last appointment I was 25 weeks 5 days and I measured that I was 33 weeks, so that is a good thing.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Quick Post
Random Stuff
I really really want DH feel the babies kick before anyone gets to feel them, I'm not sure if this is ever going to happen or not. On Sunday the babies were dancing around, once I figured they were not going to stop anytime soon I called DH over to sit on the couch with me. I put his hand very gently on my stomach and we sat there, I finally feel a good kick from the inside and ask if he felt it he said no. Again I felt another good kick again he did not feel it, I tried to explain to him what they would feel like to him (just little bumps) and told him to concentrate. But he felt nothing. So hopefully the kicks will get stronger and he will feel them eventually.
Just a little bit later Baby A was movin and a groovin and hit my bladder. I didn't have to pee before but now I had the urge, I was waiting just a second hoping the baby would move off my bladder so I could get up (straining to get up and having to go is not a good combo). What does the little turd do? Gives it another swift kick, this one made me tear up and I yelled for DH to help me get off the couch before I peed all over. I made it though.
For Valentine's Day I got DH a chain for his chainsaw (yes I know I'm pretty romantic) and two children's books (one is a golden book titled "The Happy Man and His Dump Truck" and the other was a book titled "Daddy Loves Me"). I figured he would kind of think it was stupid for me to give him children's books but he actually liked them. Oh about the dump truck book, the story is not very good but I loved the cover and the title, DH seems happiest when he is driving his dump truck around.
One last story that I almost forgot, I bought a card for my best friends two kids (a 4 year old and almost 2 year old) I put a picture of my last ultrasound in the card. The 4 year old put the picture in a picture frame and set it on her dresser. She said they are going to be her best friends forever. This made me cry, I'm an emotional mess.
I hope all of you had a wonderful Valentine's.
Friday, February 10, 2012
24 weeks 5 days
Monday, February 6, 2012
24 week appointment
I'm not sure if all OB appointments go the way my appointments do but here is another story for you. Ultrasound went great the babies were dancing around while the tech tried doing her thing. I am more than positive that Baby A is going to look like my husband side, because it has a full jaw line with a bigger nose (not like a huge honker but well he has a nose bigger than I do). Baby A weighed 1 lb 9 oz, Baby B 1 lb 5 oz, & Baby C 1 lb 9 oz. According to babycenter.com babies A & C are ahead and Baby B is right on track. I am more than positive that the ultrasound table was designed by men because a woman would not make them so uncomfortable.
Now to my OB appointment, I would say 90% of the time I get a student or resident that comes into the room and talks to me before the doctor joins them. This time was no different I had a know it all resident that I almost killed. She asked me if one of the ultrasound doctors talked to me this time or the time prior. I said they came in after my last appointment but didn't really say anything they were just trying to get Baby C to cooperate (which didn't happen). She then looks at me with a shocked look on her face saying so they didn't talk to you about the anatomy problems with two of the babies (she actually said which babies but I couldn't tell you which ones, I was about to hyperventilate at this point). I utter the words no what is wrong with them (trying to fight back tears, thinking that I wish DH was here with me right now). She looks at her paperwork, it didn't really say so she goes to the computer to find the information. Guess what she wants to chit-chat while she is logging on, hello I'm on the verge of tears I do not want to talk about what I'm doing over the weekend. She reads FOREVER then all of a sudden says "Oh there isn't anything wrong". This is about the time that I see my pregnant ass is jump off the table to strangle her scrawny neck. Instead I ask if everything looks okay with the other baby and she says yes. She then goes on with her other questions asking when I plan on going on maternity leave. I said I hope to work until the week I deliver, she has the nerve to laugh and say your so funny. Give me a break I'm not going to plan on stop working until it has to be done because I want to spend as much time with the babies as possible. The OB eventually joins us and nothing exciting happens during that time besides he told me in two weeks I get the glucose test done.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
23 weeks
On another note, I can not buy Lucky Charms cereal anymore, get this I ate almost the entire box today (there is probably only one bowl left). All I have to say is I probably gained weight so the doctor should be happy.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Name Game
Boy Names:
Wyatt Michael (Michael is my husband's middle name and FIL first name)
Layne Joseph (Joseph is my father's first name)
Matthew Adam (My husband's little brothers name was Adam Matthew)
Jake Joseph (One of my favorite movies is Sweet Home Alabama and the characters name on it is Jake Perry, so I couldn't help myself) If you put two and two together I'm sure you have figured out that I will have a Matthew Perry also but that is okay.
Girls Name:
Haylee Jo (The name started out as Baylee Jo but do not want some mean people making fun of her initials so it turned into Haylee)
We got a lot accomplished over the weekend, the nursery is empty and the paint color is picked out. I feel so good that stuff is actually getting done now, so I do not cry from being overwhelmed every time I think about the nursery. Now I have to figure out how to get 3 cribs to fit into that room but it can be done so I'm not going to stress. Thank you Sis and Court for all your help.
Friday, January 20, 2012
The promise
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6 week ultrasound (3 little peas) |
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8 week ultrasound (little peanuts) |
10 week belly pic |
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10 week ultrasound Baby A |
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10 week ultrasound Baby B |
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10 week ultrasound Baby C |
12 week ultrasound pic (We used this for our Christmas card) |
13 week belly pic |
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15 week ultrasound Baby A front view |
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15 week ultrasound Baby B |
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15 week ultrasound Baby C |
16 week belly pic |
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19 week ultrasound Baby A |
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19 week ultra sound Baby A feet & butt |
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19 week ultrasound Baby B |
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19 week ultrasound Baby C feet only (would not show its face) |
20 week belly pic |
My doctor appointment on Wednesday went very well. I gained 4 pounds so I did not get into trouble this time around. DH and I picked out a class to take at the end of February and I'm super excited about that. Had the same doctor (for the first time) that I actually had at my first appointment and I really like him, he is down to earth and even asked me what baby names we had picked out. Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
RANT & the weekend
First off, I am so sick of people being rude to me then saying I am taking it the wrong way because I am pregnant/hormonal. No, because I would have been pissed off about this before I was pregnant.
Secondly, the whole belly issue, yes I am getting bigger but I hate that I am on display all the time (do not get me wrong I am proud of my babies) but I do not want to be touched until I tell you that you can. Then when I finally take my coat off so you can see it (yes I am cold but I am showing you anyway) I get the comment oh your not that big for having triplets. I am a bigger person so I am not going to show like someone that is the size of a twig would.
I know this is going to offend people and I am sorry for that, but this is how I feel.
So on to my nice weekend that I had. We went to Iowa to DH's grandparent's farm, while we were there Grandma and I went to visit the American Pickers little shed (and when I say little I mean little) and I met Danielle (the secretary).
While there I had a dream (in color) about one of the babies, it was so wonderful I was talking to them and they were cooing and holding my fingers. I wish that DH could have experienced it.
Monday DH & I were both off of work so we went to register on the way to the stores I told DH that it felt like a dream that it was actually my time to do this. Once we got there it was so overwhelming I just hope that I asked for things that I need and enough of everything. I went to bed at 7 last night because I was so tired and could not think anymore. Oh also we stopped at a hardware store and got paint samples (picking out paint is hard), I do not even have the room empty yet and I'm already looking at paint, goodness.
I hope by the end of this week to post pics (belly and ultrasound) that I have been procrastinating.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Half way there.
Belly button in or out? In but it is getting very shallow
Milestones: Feeling the babies move
Friday, January 6, 2012
January 6th appointment
Had a full anatomy scan today it took 3 hours (some of which I made her stop so that I could stand in the bathroom because I felt sick all morning) and everything looked good, they were having a hard time with each baby but Baby C was the problem child and they have to get a couple more measurements at my next ultrasound. All the babies are measuring ahead (the ultrasound tech said the goal is for that babies to be above the tenth percentile because triplets are normally not far from it) in the sixtieth to seventieth percentile which is really great. Baby A weighs 12 oz, Baby B weighs 10 oz & Baby C weighs 12 oz.
Then on to the OB appointment (this was another great doctor) they talked to me again about my weight, I need to gain more. I told them to tell me what to eat and I will do it because I really do not know what else to do, they said to wait until my next appointment and they may make me drink shakes with my meals. At this point they are not super concerned because the babies are growing. They measured my belly and she said that I am measuring at 25 1/2 weeks and that is good also. The doc asked if I was cramping or had really mucousy discharge, I said I cramp everyday. So she wanted to check my cervix and it was high and closed.
I'm really exhausted from the appointment so I think I'm going to take a nap. Have a nice weekend everyone.