Saturday, January 28, 2012

23 weeks

Okay so I'm 23 weeks tomorrow but close enough.  I just have some super exciting news to share with all of you.  Baby B was moving around a lot so I gently laid my hand on my stomach and I felt 3 good solid kicks.  I was sooooo happy I can not wait for DH to feel it.  Hopefully the babies will continue moving when he places his hand on my stomach because I have tried to catch it for days and I do not know if I was putting to much pressure or moving to fast but they would stop every time.

On another note, I can not buy Lucky Charms cereal anymore, get this I ate almost the entire box today (there is probably only one bowl left).  All I have to say is I probably gained weight so the doctor should be happy.


Cori said...

Very exciting!!!! I can't imagine how it will feel when they are all Movin' in there!!! You are going to have so much fin watching them all fight for space:)

Amy and Robert said...

LUCKY CHARMS!!! I haven't had those in years!!! I'm excited that you can feel the wee ones move!!! I love when you update, I think about you often!

brandy said...

How fun having three babies squirming about all at once. I am always amazed at how women know which one is which. Even after they are born and they keep their little personalities! I loved lucky charms, too, before I was pregnant. Would love it still except for the gestational diabetes and insulin thing ;)

Kate said...

Let me tell ya - with two, there were times when I was convinced that they were going to fight their way out my navel! I can't imagine what it's going to be like with three fighting for space! Very cool! It won't be long and he'll be able to feel them move - probably more than you want!

Jess said...

♥ thinking of you! Hope you, your DH, and the babies are all doing wonderful!