Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Half way there.

How Far Along: 20 weeks 3 days

How Big is Baby? between 10-12 oz each
Total Weight Gain/Loss:  up 7 lbs (which I'm in trouble for)
Maternity Clothes: yes
Gender: ??? (not going  to find out)
Movement: Yesterday was the first day that I felt them a lot (it was the best thing in the world)
Sleep: I sleep really well during naps (probably because I'm so wore out) but at night I toss and turn a lot and my hips still go numb
Belly button in or out? In but it is getting very shallow
What I miss:  Food, I loved food before being pregnant but now I have so many things that I avoid.
Milestones: Feeling the babies move
Food Cravings:  Nothing in particular but when I crave something I eat it for sure
Aversions: Almost everything
Symptoms: nausea and tired and expanding waist line
Best Moment this week: Well it wasn't this week but on Friday going to the ultrasound and seeing all of their toes (Also to see they were growing also).  This weeks moment was feeling them move around.
What I'm looking forward to: A massage tomorrow it is much needed.

The biggest town that I live near (which is where I work) population is about 9,000 we have two elementary schools, a middle school and a high school.  I'm just setting the scene so you know that it is not a huge city, I found out that there are 26 girls at the high school and one girl at the middle school that are pregnant.  How is this happening (well I know how it happens) but I do not understand where the parents are?  I know that people say that it is because we have nothing for teens to do in this town but I managed to find something to do when I was younger.  I'm mad and sick to my stomach knowing that I tried so hard to have a baby and I am in debt up to my ears from trying to conceive (it is completely worth the money) and these girls accidentally (if that is the case they may have wanted to be pregnant) got pregnant.

I'm just so full of stories today, I work for the county and yesterday I was in the office that has the death certificates.  A lady called asking for a stillborn babies certificate, she said that she was 23 weeks pregnant and started cramping went to the bathroom and had the baby in the toilet.  I cried for this lady and said a prayer, then I said a prayer for my babies.  

I just do not understand what God's plan is for these women.


Jill said...

Congrats on the halfway mark!!! It must be really awesome to feel THREE babies move around in your belly! & just wait until they get really active!

I know how you feel about the high school girls, during my ttc time seeing people who just accidentally got pregnant bothered me so much. & worse my SIL got pregnant twice, on drugs, with two different random guys, and she had healthy babies it is really hard to understand!! 26 girls pregnant is unbelievable and a middle school girl!? where are there parents is right!!!

Beeker's Mom said...

Wow, I can't believe that you're already half-way there! And you've only gained 7 pounds? Wow again!

Amy and Robert said...

Congrats on the milestones you have reached! That is amazing!
I'm so confused at God's plan sometimes... When I read "one junior high girl" I was sick to my stomach. I hope all of these precious babies wind up with good futures :/
I will say a prayer for the lady with the stillborn too :( I am always praying for you hun!!!

Kate said...

Yay for movement - that's so awesome, isn't it?

And now another thing - 26 girls pregnant?!?!? WTF??? I understand your frustration with the situation... I'm frustrated and I don't even live there!

My heart aches for the 23 week woman - I just can't imagine having to go through that. Prayers for you, for sure!