Thursday, September 15, 2011


I forgot to type this on my last post. 

While on bed rest last Friday, I was catching up on everything that I had DVRed and was done watching one show so regular TV came on, it was on TLC on a show I've never heard of it was "Bringing Home Multiples".  While trying to find my next show this lady had IVF after TTC for 1 1/2 years she had 3 embies transferred and she was having triplets AND she had the same name I do.  HOLY SHIT, it was a little eerie b/c the same day I had 3 transferred.  So I am really not expecting this is a sign from the big Guy but I would really really be happy if it were.


Jess said...

Ooooh I am hopeful for you! =) Good luck!

Cori said...

Please Oh Please Let it be a sign! Prayig for you!!

Jessica said...

Praying for you in your 2WW!! So SO exciting!!!

Jess said...

Thinking about you! When do you get your results? I am 4dpo. Not holding my breath, but cautiously hopeful. You know what I mean...? *sigh*

Jess said...

I will be looking forward to a post tomorrow! Good luck my dear, you are in my prayers!!